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Rather Elementary Parent Teacher Guild would like to welcome you to a new, exciting school year. We are looking forward to a busy, fun-filled year with your child. The PTG sponsors many fun activities throughout the school year. We are always looking for parents to get involved with the school and be part of their child’s education.


The PTG meets once monthly and welcomes all parents to participate. At the start of the school year, an electronic sign-up sheet will be made available which will also list each activity the PTG needs help with. Though you may not be able to devote an entire day or evening, a few hours of your time makes a huge impact on the students and school.


We are always striving to make Rather Elementary a fun and educational experience for each student. If you have any questions about getting involved, please don’t hesitate to contact Traci Flanner (616-204-3179), PTG Vice President, at

We are truly excited to begin this new school year with your family.

The Rather PTG meets the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Rather Media Center.  All parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in this important organization.


The officers for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows:
President - Amy Stevens
Vice President - Traci Flanner
Treasurer - Melissa Ohlrich
Secretary - Kelsey Bradford

Thanks to these four individuals for their willingness to get involved by serving in these very important leadership roles!

Among projects the PTG undertakes are fundraisers, book fairs, accelerated reader book clubs, assemblies, playground equipment purchases, American Education Week, Teacher Appreciation Day, field day, field trips, and more.